Abraham and Isaac (Scratch & Dent)

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This is a true story. It comes from Genesis Chapter 22 in your Bible.

In the Old Testament, we are reminded again and again through the stories that when God made a promise, He kept it. Even when the perfect Creation was ruined, God made a plan to save us from sin. He loved us enough to sacrifice something very special to Him.

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A Look Inside

Book Trailer

A True Story About Jesus

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Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 0.50
Title Abraham and Isaac
Series A True Story About Jesus
ISBN 13 9781683443360
Contributors Akram Zaki, Paulo Gaviola
Binding Saddle Stitch
Page Count 24
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 8 x 8

In Genesis chapter 22 of the Bible, the story of Abraham and Isaac unfolds. God tests Abraham's faith by commanding him to take his only son, Isaac, to a mountain and offer him as a sacrifice. Without hesitation, Abraham obeys and sets out with Isaac. As they reach the mountain, Isaac asks his father about the sacrificial animal. Abraham, full of faith, tells Isaac that God will provide the offering.

As they reach the designated spot, Abraham builds an altar and prepares to sacrifice Isaac. Just as he raises the knife, an angel of the Lord calls out to Abraham, telling him not to harm the boy. The angel explains that Abraham has demonstrated his faith and obedience to God. Abraham looks up and sees a ram caught in a nearby thicket, provided by God as a substitute sacrifice.

Abraham sacrifices the ram in place of Isaac and names the place "The Lord Will Provide." God then reaffirms His covenant with Abraham, promising to bless him and make his descendants numerous. The story concludes with the assurance that Abraham's obedience and faithfulness have brought about God's blessing.

The story of Abraham and Isaac serves as a profound demonstration of faith and trust in God's plan. It reveals Abraham's willingness to offer his most precious possession and God's provision of an alternate sacrifice. This narrative highlights the importance of obedience and illustrates God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises.

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