Adam: First and the Last (Scratch & Dent)

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Is the Adam we read about in Genesis a real man or a myth? Many contemporary theologians, seminary professors, and even pastors now teach that Adam is a mere myth, fable, or figurative character. In Adam: First and the Last, Simon Turpin challenges this heresy, reveals its evolutionary roots, and addresses the repercussions of such beliefs on the Gospel message. Salvation in Christ alone, requires faith in God’s creation of the First Adam and redemption through the Last Adam, Jesus Christ. Find the tools needed to counter these false teachings and remain grounded in the authority of the Bible in Turpin’s Christian apologetic resource: Adam: First and the Last.

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Adam: First and the Last

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Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 1.00
Title Adam: First and the Last
ISBN 13 9781683443452
Contributors Simon Turpin
Binding Paperback
Page Count 248
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 6 x 9

Are you prepared to defend the biblical account of Adam as a living man formed by God? Many theologians, pastors, and philosophers now teach that the Adam we find in Genesis was a myth, story, or parable. In Adam: First and the Last, Simon Turpin – Ex. Director of Answers in Genesis, UK/ Europe, reveals why understanding Adam to have been the first man created is critical for a consistent theological understanding of the biblical message of creation, the fall, and redemption.

“If you deny the ‘First Adam,’ not only do you deny the sufficiency of Scripture and undermine its authority, but you ultimately attack the life, teaching, and person of the ‘Last Adam,’ our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ken Ham, CEO of The Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, & Answers in Genesis

The very teachings of Jesus regarding creation and the flood are being attacked on the basis that, because of His human nature, there was error in some of His teaching. The theory of biological evolution, though lacking evidence, is why many reject Adam as a historical individual or see him as anything other than the originating head of the human race.

The church is facing a crisis because too few of her people and leaders understand the consequences of combining the Bible and evolution. Sadly today, more and more evangelical Christian scholars are having to redefine passages of Scripture because they have adopted the idea of evolution and millions of years into their thinking. These questions may be the biggest doctrinal issues facing our generation, and the church’s attitude toward them could be a defining moment in Christianity.

Adam: First and the Last will prepare you, your family, and your church to stand against today’s false teachers and strengthen your faith in the infallible Word of God. Turpin offers a true biblical apologetic that will be used for decades and even centuries to help the Body of Christ hold fast to their confession of faith without wavering (Hebrews 10:23).

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Adam, Who Art Thou?
  • 2. Genesis 1: In the Space of Six Days
  • 3. Genesis 2: Defending the Supernatural Creation of Adam
  • 4. Genesis 3: In Adam's Fall We Sinned All
  • 5. The First Adam: The History of Adam's Descendants
  • 6. The First Adam: Science and the Origin of Mankind
  • 7. The First Adam: Original Sin - How Original Is It?
  • 8. The Last Adam: His Humanity
  • 9. The Last Adam: His Deity
  • 10. The Last Adam: His View of Scripture
  • 11. The Last Adam: His Life-Giving Resurrection
  • 12. The Last Adam: The Gospel Begins in Creation
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