American History (Teacher Guide - Scratch & Dent)

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This American History Teacher Guide contains materials for use with American History by James Stobaugh.

  • Answer Keys
  • Student Objectives
  • Weekly Tests
9th-12th grade
1 Year

Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has five easy-to-manage lessons that combine reading, worksheets, and exams. Worksheets and exams are perforated and three-hole punched – materials are easy to tear out, hand out, grade, and store. You are encouraged to adjust the schedule and materials needed to best work within your educational program.

Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each section of the Teacher Guide. Exams are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade. If used with younger students, they may be given the option of taking open-book exams.

Lesson Scheduling: Space is given for assignment dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. For example, the parent may opt for a M, W, F schedule, rather than a M-F schedule. Each week listed has five days but due to vacations the school work week may not be M–F. Adapt the days to your school schedule. As the student completes each assignment, he/she should put an “X” in the box.

Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 1.30
Title American History-Teacher
Subtitle Observations & Assessments from Early Settlement to Today
Series Stobaugh History
ISBN 13 9780890516430
Contributors James Stobaugh
Binding Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages
Page Count 282
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 8 1/2 x 11 x 1/2

This convenient teacher’s guide includes perforated, three-hole punched assignments with answers, learning objectives, grading criteria, and short essay questions to help the student comprehend and apply the information presented.

The following is included in this complete year of high school American history curriculum:

  • The teacher text has the student questions organized at the back for easy use in testing and reviews
  • The course has been designed with 34 chapters representing 34 weeks of study
  • Each chapter has 5 lessons each, taking approximately 30 minutes a day
  • The final lesson of the week is the exam covering the week’s chapter
  • A parent or teacher can grade assignments daily or weekly, and keep track of this in their files
  • This course is designed for the student to practice independent learning.

This is a solid educational process to help a student develop a Christian world view and form his/her own understanding of history.

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