John Whitcomb

John Whitcomb

Dr. John C. Whitcomb is president of Whitcomb Ministries, Inc., and founder and professor of Christian Workman Schools of Theology. He has been a professor of Old Testament and theology for more than 50 years and is widely recognized as a leading Biblical scholar.

Dr. Whitcomb taught at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana, from 1951-1990 where he gained recognition for his work on The Genesis Flood, which he co-authored with Dr. Henry Morris in 1961. This book has been credited as one of the major catalysts for the modern Biblical creationism movement.

Among Dr. Whitcomb's other published works are The Early Earth and The World That Perished, and commentaries on Esther and Daniel. In addition, he has authored six comprehensive Bible charts, numerous multi-media slides, and a wealth of biblical and theological articles. Major emphases have included biblical creationism, Old Testament exposition, dispensational theology, premillennial eschatology, and presuppositional apologetics.

Dr. Whitcomb and his wife, Norma, reside in Indianapolis, and enjoy spending time with their 6 children and 17 grandchildren. Norma is a Bible teacher and seminar speaker to ladies in the United States and abroad.

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