Tom Dooley

Tom Dooley

Tom Dooley is one of the nation’s top music radio personalities and his career spans more than 25 years. Gifted with an impressive voice and narrative ability, Tom is a top “voice-over” talent. His career began in Christian radio at WFIL Philadelphia with the Sunday morning show, “Alpha Omega.” That program evolved into what is now “The Journey” which Tom hosts six days a week from KVTT Dallas.

Tom has narrated countless documentaries and his list of commercials includes clients like Radio Shack, Zales Jewlers, GE and many more. He also served as the official voice of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, narrating many of Dr. Graham’s national television specials and several books on tape. Tom and his wife, Melanie, have been married 30 years and have three grown children. They live in Colleyville, Texas with their boxers, Bugsy and Abby.


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