10 #ProBible Resources for Christian Homeschool Families (Rachel's Recommendations)

rachel's top ten list for chrisitan homeschool families
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10 #ProBible Resources for Christian Homeschool Families (Rachel's Recommendations)

As a homeschool mom, it's great to have a voice of experience speaking into your curriculum choices. We invited Rachel Smith, pastor's wife, homeschool mom of 4, and the Master Books Customer Service Manager, to share her Top Ten #ProBible resources with you. 

Rachel Smith, homeschool mom of 4, shares her top 10 homeschool curriculum and book recommendations by Master Books Rachel Smith, homeschool mom of 4, shares her top 10 homeschool curriculum and book recommendations by Master Books

Homeschool Curriculum

Browse all Christian Homeschooling Programs from Master Books.

Resources: Readers and Read Alouds

Browse our best reading recommendations by grade, plus download a FREE book review printable. 

Resources: Homeschool Parenting 

Have you and your family used any of these #ProBible resources? Would you recommend them or do you have a different list? We would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments.


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