Homeschooling isn’t just about information and books. It’s about parenting, discipleship, and speaking to our kids’ hearts. It can be a lot… and some days just feel like we’re walking uphill in the mud.
My heart goes out to moms of strong-willed children, or who have kids who just don’t fit the mold. We try so hard as moms to get the right curriculum, make things fun, or teach outside the box. And sometimes, it just does not feel like it’s enough.
Our Family
Let me introduce myself. My name is Desirée. Our family has been homeschooling for 7 years now. My husband and I have 3 children who currently range from elementary to a recently graduated high school senior.
Each of our 3 kids have been so different. Starting out, I thought if I did everything “right” that we would be living dreamy lives cuddled under blankets, reading poetry, and drinking hot chocolate everyday. Let’s just say that this is not a normal occurrence in our household.
I did not realize that not every kid likes school, no matter how creative you get. Some kids are more difficult to parent than others, and each kid isn’t just a replica of myself. That should seem obvious, but sometimes that’s not how I operate. Unmet expectations can certainly throw us off kilter. Time for a mental reset!
One of my favorite verses that has kept me going during the rough times is Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
We Cannot Give Up
Our kids are depending on us whether they realize it or not. We truly are in a spiritual battle. God has given us these children as gifts to steward and point them to Him. We are not to measure our success by results, but to proceed in obedience with eyes of faith, believing God. (Hebrews 11)
I have also received so much encouragement from Randy and Kristen Pratt’s many years of homeschooling and parenting experience. Randy’s teaching tips videos in the app have often given me a boost to keep going when I’m starting to lose sight of everything. These are some of my favorites quotes from his livestreams.
4 Great Quotes for Homeschool Families to Remember
1. “Remarkable stories often start with remarkable disruptions.”
How true is that! Our lives are part of a much larger story that God is currently unfolding. The stories we love have so many ups and downs and it’s the problems that actually give shape to the entire story. How boring it would be if the story boiled down to “Once upon a time, this happened, then that happened, they lived their best lives perfectly, the end” We can’t even relate to this because our lives have been touched by sin.
But we are a part of a greater narrative, where thankfully, we aren’t the hero. God is. To be honest, I’m glad I’m not the hero. If I’m honest with myself, I would make a terrible hero. I’m more like the damsel in distress. (Anyone else relate?)
2. “God hasn’t abandoned you or left you in winter, but he’s actually beginning to till you and prepare you for the next season of life.”
That’s encouraging to me because it reminds me that trials are normal and that they are not meaningless. As we go through these various trials, God sanctifies us and causes growth. He reminds us that we cannot do anything apart from Him and he wants us to pray and depend on him. (John 15:5, Matthew 12:20)
3. “Don’t lose faith in the end of the story.”
Sometimes it’s so hard to see how God is going to turn the dark days into something bright, but nothing is impossible with God. God is the author of the story of our lives, and he wants us to trust Him. ( 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
4. “We need to trust that the character of the Author is good and loving.”
I was reminded of God’s love and care recently in the holiday devotional book, Days to Remember, by Henry Morris. We were reading in the Easter section, the lesson titled, Zechariah’s Strange Prophecy, referencing Zechariah 9:9. It also went on to reference Psalm 118:26.
I decided we should read the entire Psalm and I’m so glad we did! I was struck by the many times God repeated, “His steadfast love endures forever”. I thought, “Wow! God is really trying to get us to understand this!” And this is in the Old Testament, where we often think God is angry, but we think in the New Testament, He loves us.
But God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Romans 5:8 says, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Keeping what Jesus has done for us in view transforms how we view reality as we hope, pray, and live out our daily lives.
You Are Not Alone!
To the mom who is overwhelmed, discouraged, and tired, you are not alone. God will give you wisdom if you ask for it (James 1:5-6). He will help you because He cares. You are a part of His story. There are others who are going through the same challenges alongside you.
None of our families are perfect. All the good in our lives is due to his merciful loving kindness, demonstrated in the gift of His son, Jesus, and shown in the lives of his people who have come before us. Let us forget what lies behind, and press on to what lies ahead, setting our minds on things worthy of praise! (Phil. 3:13-15, 4:4-9)
Thank you for letting me share with you. In trying to encourage you, God has used this community of parents to encourage me. I appreciate the unique community we have as we spur one another to love and good deeds.
God bless your families.
Be Encouraged Every Week
Join Randy and Kristen Pratt along with other members of the Master Books team every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm central in the Master Books App for encouraging live broadcasts. You will find Homeschool Curriculum Q&A's as well as Homeschool Teaching Tips. I hope to see you there!