Thanks to Anna, homeschool mom of 6 children, for sharing the impact of putting God and His Word first in homeschooling and all of family life. In today's post, she recounts sending one of her students off to college and questioning if he was ready for this phase of life. We are excited to share her encouraging experience with you! The same God is faithful to you and your family as you homeschool as a form of discipling your family.
"Son, do you think that you are equipped for this? Are you sure you are ready for this next stage?" I asked my son these questions as we ate our last dinner together before my husband and I left him at college and flew home. He laughed at me and said, " Of course Mom!"
I stood there witnessing the fruit of my labor. Sixteen years before this moment I was told I wouldn't get this far with homeschooling, and they were right. I didn't, but God did! God got us up to this point, providing everything we needed along the way.
As I was on the plane ride home, I thought about all the failures we had in homeschooling:
- Picking the wrong curriculum
- Not completing a subject that one year
- Not understanding fractions in 3rd grade
- My overreaction when the science project left a huge mess in the kitchen
- Maybe he shouldn't have skipped those math problems?
My mind was spinning!
God’s Amazing Promise & Provision
Then, the Lord put Matthew 6:33 on my heart. This was the same verse I lifted up to God with a cry of desperation before I threw in the towel and gave up homeschooling. It is the same verse I prayed before God led us to Master Books. It is the same verse I used when I said, "Okay God, you said to seek you first and you will provide. Show me how to homeschool with the little bit of money we have." God did show me that year, and He has continued to show me every year since.
Matthew 6:33: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33 has carried me through every season of homeschooling. We have homeschooled with a focus on seeking God first in seasons of:
- Losing loved ones
- Trials in my marriage
- Raising babies and toddlers
- Medical challenges
Today I celebrate with you that God has provided for our needs in every season!
My “Oh So Normal” Homeschooling Life
I am a mom of 6 amazing kids. I say amazing because God blessed me when He chose me to be their mom! We have homeschooled from the very beginning, and today we are wrapping up our 16th year.
I still don't have a Pinterest worthy home. My kids are wild and crazy, and I feel like a hot mess most days. I have graduated 2 students using Master Books. One is heading into her senior year, and 3 more in elementary grade levels. I still don't feel like a veteran homeschooler. More times than not I feel like it's my first year!
I've been encouraged by looking back on how God has supplied what I've needed as a wife and a parent during so many different challenges. I hope you see in my story that prioritizing God's Word and His purposes for our family has resulted in seeing Him fulfill His promise to add all that we need. Using Master Books #ProBible homeschool curriculum has helped me steward the gift of these children according to His Word. It has been an honor to teach them about God and to help them trust His Word in every subject we have studied.
My son who graduated using Master Books in 2022 joined me for an interview on the Master Books podcast last year. I believe you will enjoy our conversation about preparing to launch your homeschool student. Click here to watch of listen to the podcast.
Scriptures to Feed the Homeschool Mom’s Soul
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6
I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. Psalm 37:25
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Christian Resources to Feed Your Faith & Your Calling