“Everyone should have a base level understanding of the sciences and how they confirm biblical creation." Dr. Jason Lisle
Now junior high and high school homeschool students can study astronomy. Master Books offers the following science curricula to help your student discover the wonder of our God who created the planets, moon, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and comets. The night sky has always been fascinating to observe. With these courses, your students will enjoy learning while building up their faith in God while studying science!
Dr. Jason Lisle, a creation scientist with a Ph.D. in astrophysics, joined the podcast to discuss the importance of studying astronomy for every student. Here is one of my favorite quotes from this interview with Dr. Lisle: "Our purpose on earth is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. What better way to do that than by studying God's creation and seeing the ingeniousness of the Lord and the brilliance of His mind."
Watch this episode of the podcast with Dr. Lisle to learn how his books, Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky and Taking Back Astronomy, reveal the wonder of God in the cosmos.
About the Homeschool Courses
Introduction to Astronomy (7th-8th grade students)
"This course is a great intro to astronomy. The book is very colorful and interesting, and the worksheets are simple and not overwhelming. I love how it is laid out in a 2-3 day schedule so we can be flexible with our classes." Amanda
Your student will learn:
- How the phases of the moon work
- When the next solar eclipse will take place
- The brightest start in the west
- How to find Saturn
- What solar objects may be seen without binoculars or telescope
- and so much more!
Survey of Astronomy, designed for 9th-12th grade students, does deeper into the science and how it confirms the Bible.
"My 10th grader absolutely loved this course! She is usually a history lover but this science course was her favorite this year. We will definitely do this with our other students!" Darla
Your student will:
- Identify how the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator
- Learn the best ways and optimal times to observe planets and stars
- Identify stars, planets, and constellations
- Identify how the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator
- Discover how the phases of the moon work