The Master Books Method of Education

The Master Books Method of Education
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The Master Books Method of Education

Intentional Discipleship and Excellence in Academics without the Typical Overwhelm 

Here at Master Books, we offer #ProBible homeschool curriculum based on an education model that helps Christian homeschool families experience great success. The Master Books Method of Education was developed under the leadership of Randy and Kristen Pratt, Master Books President and Curriculum Development Director. As husband and wife, they have already launched six of their nine homeschooled children into adulthood. With a team of educational experts, the latest brain development research, and the desire to help families overcome homeschooling’s major stressors, the Pratts are leading the Master Books authors and editors to help the Christian homeschool community soar in the vital area of family discipleship.

The Master Books Method works because instilling faith in the inerrant Word of God is at the foundation of everything we publish. Since 1975, the mission of Master Books has been “Ink on Paper to Touch Eternity.” To increase the impact of this mission, Master Books added #ProBible homeschool curriculum in 2012. 

Make Discipleship Your #1 Educational Priority

According to God’s Word, your foremost role as a parent is intentionally imparting to your children an ever-increasing faith in God and a desire to honor Him with their whole hearts. Our mission is perfectly aligned with yours! Together, we are working to empower your children to stand on God’s Word and live with Him for eternity despite the influence of a culture at war against God. 

We believe your child’s eternity is both your time-sensitive mission and your eternal legacy. Together we can work to reveal the wonder of God to your children every year, in every subject they study. 

Our Bible electives as well as the core subjects will help you disciple your children to trust every Word of the Bible. With this foundation, your children will know where to turn for true wisdom. You will help them avoid building their lives on the authority of man which always proves to be sinking sand.

Explore our Bible electives and Morning Baskets to infuse even more joy and faith in your household! 

“The Master Books method has given our family the freedom we wanted to have with homeschooling. It takes the stress of planning out of my schedule and the mundane busywork out of my kids’ schedule, allowing us to get “outside the box” and explore our education beyond the classroom. I know that my children are not only growing in their educational wisdom and knowledge, but also in their spiritual wisdom and knowledge, a true impact for eternity!” Amy Schaap

Educate the Whole Child

We have intentionally designed our curriculum to address the unique learning styles of your children, their various ages, and stages of development. This “whole child” approach considers your child’s mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual stage of development. By celebrating the uniqueness of the child, you will positively impact their self-esteem, their outlook on life, and their view of themselves as a student. 

For the younger ages, we start with a gentle approach that includes shorter lessons. Instead of longer lessons that use a “drill and kill” approach, we help you honor your child’s brain development, muscle stamina, attention span, and other factors that impact their ability to learn concepts.

While the “school” model teaches to the average child and focuses on pass and fail, the Master Books Method fosters a sense of dignity by focusing on skill level instead of grade level. Schools push a struggling student through to the next grade and attempt to teach challenging concepts to a stressed child. However, the Master Books Method of education allows you to teach to your child’s individual needs. Your student can revisit earlier skill levels to fill in learning gaps or advance through the levels more quickly than another student would.

This approach is guaranteed to level-up your child’s confidence while reducing their stress level. When a child feels successful in the learning environment you create, they are more likely to love the idea of learning throughout their lifetime.

Engineer the Education that Works for Your Family 

Flexibility in homeschooling is a treasure. The Master Books Method of Education will help you steward this treasure well. We work diligently to help you build an learning environment that works best for your family. We see you as the carpenter or engineer of each child’s education. Our role is to provide tools to help you make the best use of the time you spend teaching your children. 

Many homeschool families using Master Books curriculum report a much better outcome when they switch from their previous curriculum, because they no longer need to recreate a school schedule at home.

“The Master Books Method helped me throw out ideologies associated with school. I learned to view each child as an individual. By intentionally focusing on each child’s needs, and with intentionally written, age-appropriate content, I am able to meet them where they are. This change in perspective has given me confidence and joy to encourage and love my children well as we grow and learn together.” Katelyn Morris

Save Time & Money

Along with shorter lessons, we provide time-saving schedules with each course. (Click here for a preview our scheduling.) This greatly reduces your planning time and gives your older students independence because they can easily discern which lessons need to be done each day. When you save time on planning and in the length of each lesson, you have more free time during the day to accomplish other goals.

Take your child and their lessons on the road with you with our simple schedule, easily perforated pages, and confidence building material. We affectionally refer to this as “Grab and Go” curriculum. We encourage you to travel with the lessons while you are waiting at the doctor’s office, during sports practice, while visiting grandparents, and even while traveling as a family. 

You have probably already noticed how affordable our home education solutions are. We know the sacrifices required to live this homeschooling life. We also know a big investment in a curriculum could keep you from making a much-needed change to find something that works better for your child. At Master Books, we highly recommend growth-hacking your homeschool. Simply put, it means letting go of what isn’t working so that you can find a solution that does. Our affordable curriculum prices are designed to help you effectively design and improve your child’s educational experience.

“Because of the flexibility of the Master Books method and freedom of time we gained, my son was able to enroll in dual credit courses. The different learning methods used to reach the whole child and the Biblical worldview in each subject helped set him for success both spiritually and academically in his college courses while still in high school.” Rachel Smith

Practical Application Increases a Love of Learning

Remember wondering why you were learning something in school? We eliminate reasons for your student to use that complaint by ensuring every course reveals the practical application of the concepts in real life! In math, science, language, history, and electives your student will know why they are learning the material. This reduces stress and grumbling while helping them have greater retention of the material. 

Because the Master Books Method of Education saves you so much time on lesson prep and completion, you and your children now have time to pursue their special interests. This sparks even more joy and wonder in God’s world and their place in it. 

“Before Master Books, school felt forced as we just checked off boxes simply to get school done. However, Master Books has totally changed the dynamic of our school as we all have developed a love for learning, a heart for God, and a desire to deepen our understanding of God's world. Master Books curriculum is gentle in that it encourages a love for learning at a pace that is not overwhelming for my kiddos, but it is also strong because it based on the foundation of God's Word, which is Truth that can never be shaken. To me, this is the most important thing we can instill in our kiddos because it is the only thing that will stand the test of our ever-changing culture.” Danielle Houser

Learn more about the Master Books Method of Education and our top-ranked curriculum here:


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chat Kathleen Calabrese
Thank you for this post. This is very well explained. It hits everything that I love about Master Books and reaffirms why I made the choice to use Master Books. I have that child who asked "Why do I need to learn this?" whenever I started a lesson with him. I did not always know that answer. Now that I am using Master Books, I can answer that question every time. It is helping him to learn about the God's world and grow closer to God in the process.
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