Resources to Help You Plan Your Best Homeschool Year Yet

best homeschool year yet master books curriculum
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Resources to Help You Plan Your Best Homeschool Year Yet

Creating a successful homeschool year starts with a good plan. At Master Books, we want to help you and your family thrive as you pursue an excellent academic experience with a focus on God’s authority and purposes for your lives. We recommend prioritizing the following concepts and resources to help you succeed in one of the most important things you will do in service to God and your family.


The leadership team at Master Books consistently recommends prayer as the first step to planning your homeschool year. God will help you choose the right curriculum for your family, giving you brilliant ideas for organizing your space and scheduling your days. Partner with God by praying for His wisdom and strength for your journey. God knows each member of your family, and He already sees your future!

James 1:5 tells us He is faithful to liberally give us wisdom when we ask. 1 Chronicles 16:11 encourages us to seek Him and His strength continually. If you choose to give good gifts to your family, how much more is He willing and able to give you what you ask of Him? We believe God wants to help you succeed in this vitally important role He has given you.

Eternity Focused Education

The priority of education is the revealed Word of God. 

At Master Books, we believe discipling your children at home is truly a God-given assignment with eternal significance. According to Deuteronomy 6:6-7, God has called and equipped you for this cause. We desire to partner with you. We want you to use our resources in the same way a carpenter uses tools to build a house. You are the carpenter of your child’s education, and we provide you with the gospel-focused K-12 educational tools to build your household of faith in God.

“One of the most important things in education is to instill a Christian worldview with persistent instruction. A million years from now it will not matter what you majored in or what sports team you were on. What will matter is if you received Christ as your Savior and if you lived for Him.” Dr. Jason Lisle, author of Introduction to Logic curriculum for high school

Curriculum Details

Having a clear roadmap for your journey is critical. To save you time and reduce your stress, Master Books offers you curriculum guides that outline learning objectives, daily schedules for each subject, and easy supply lists for the hands-on learning activities. We place these details at the front of the student workbooks or teacher guides for easy planning and reference. Your older students will be able to manage their schedules and even gather supplies. 

Note: You can preview this helpful information before your purchase the curriculum with the free PDF samples we provide on each product page. You will find these PDFs under the heading: A Look Inside.

Homeschool Communities

Having a community of like-minded people who are choosing homeschooling as a form of family discipleship is a fundamental part of thriving in your calling. We invite you to join us in the Master Books app where we offer live curriculum question and answer sessions, experienced homeschool coaches, homeschool teaching tips, encouragement for your home life, a book club, a chapel, and more. We cultivate an encouraging community offering you valuable advice, support, and resources for planning your homeschool year. 

The Moms of Master Books Facebook group is another great place to have your curriculum questions answered and build community. Our group hosts 39,000 homeschool moms who are loyal to the Master Books Method of Education or they are exploring Master Books as an option. We welcome you to join us and let us support your journey.

Great News! You have the opportunity to score additional reward points when you participate in the Master Books app and Facebook group communities!

Online Learning Resources

Video-based education is a great way to offer your students expert instruction and encourage independent learning skills. At, we offer your family e-courses to enrich your curriculum choices. There you will find authors and experts offering on-demand streaming of courses so your children can learn critical concepts at a time that works for your family’s schedule. We also offer exciting elective courses including Guitar, Piano, Spanish, Physical Education, Photography, Sign Language, and more!   

Supplement your own parent-teacher education with our Summit replays. At, we provide you with access to replays of our past online summits. Choose the “Free” option in the menu to find over 25 hours of free training from our staff, author experts, and veteran homeschool moms.

Build a Gospel-Focused Home Library 

Reading is a critical part of brain development and learning. At, you will find over 700 titles designed to help build your family’s biblical worldview, strengthen their reading skills, and prepare them to defend God’s Word in a godless culture.

Reading helps your child build stronger language skills which will certainly impact every area of their lives. We encourage you to invest in children’s books, biographies, apologetic-focused fiction, and non-fiction to foster a love of learning. Watch for our Flash Sales announced by email on Tuesdays to find great deals on books that will impact your student’s eternity.

Keep Great Records

You are doing such important work as a parent and a teacher. It can be easy to get caught up in the learning activities and forget to chart progress and success. Keeping great records that satisfy your state and local homeschool authorities is imperative. If you are unsure what is required, we recommend checking Home School Legal Defense Association’s website.

Cumulative Record is a tool we offer to help you track your student’s intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social growth from Pre-K through 12th grade. The moms of Master Books report enjoying a regular review of the Cumulative Record for each child because it helps them celebrate the wins and accomplishments they might have forgotten. It also helps them plan and stay on track for each child’s graduation requirements and launching them into adulthood.

Plan to Have Fun

The flexibility homeschooling offers can provide your family more time to explore the world around you and invest in learning specific skills. Using evidence based on brain science and educational success in other countries, Master Books intentionally designs curriculum with shorter lessons that produce a greater impact. This gives your family more time to enjoy life together.

Master Books students enjoy the hands-on activities and experiments included in the #ProBible curriculum we offer. To add fun and ensure retention of the lessons learned, our Math Lessons for a Living Education and Elementary Geography courses include cooking assignments. Let’s Talk Science and God’s Design Science series offer exciting activities that moms love to document and share on social media. The My Story Series offers memorable learning activities and recommended field trips. Search #MasterBooksinAction on Instagram to see all the fun they are having.

Fostering a love for learning and revealing the practical application of the material are two major pillars of Master Books Method of Education. We bring academic excellence in every subject to our primary purpose of helping your students see God’s handiwork in every area of life and learning. Since 1975, our mission has been “Ink on Paper to Touch Eternity.”

Remember that every homeschooling journey is unique, and it's essential to tailor your resources and plans to fit your child's individual needs and learning style. Stay flexible, adapt as necessary, and enjoy the flexibility and freedom that homeschooling provides.


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