To help you celebrate the truth of God's gift of Jesus Christ, our Messiah, we have compiled a list of resources you likely already have in your Master Books library. Digital editions are available for each one listed. We are also highlighting an audio book for family time and travel.
Hymn Study: Foundations in Worship
In Foundations in Worship, provides students ages 12-18 a fascinating study of hymn writers and their faith. Using the following lessons, your family will learn to better articulate their own faith in God who gave us His perfect Son for salvation. You can easily adapt this to include your younger family members.
Find the Christmas hymn study in the following lessons:
Lesson 3 - Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Lesson 15 - Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Lesson 23 - Joy to the World
Notebooking, Audio Books, & More
Homeschool mom, Charity, shared in the Master Books app how she is using God's Story (print and audio version), Language Lessons 4, Sunday School lessons, and notebooking to help her family study the biblical Christmas story.
God's Story, a beautifully illustrated book for family devotions, offers a classic presentation of God’s salvation plan. The Christmas story is shared from pages 109-115.
Family Devotions: Foundational Truths
Stacy, a Mom of Master Books, shared that she purchased Foundational Truths in the 2024 Cyber Monday Sale! She recommended using the following for your Christmas study:
⭐ Lesson 21 How do we know Jesus is God's only begotten Son?
⭐ Lesson 23 How did Jesus, being the only begotten Son of God, become man?
Bible Study: Foundations in Faith
Families use Foundations in Faith to teach junior high and high school students the basics of what Christians have held true. This study of Scripture along with the creeds, confessions, and catechisms instill biblical truths. In Foundations in Faith, Lesson 19 covers: Jesus, the Son of God on pages 169-174. This is a great addition to your Christmas unit study.
Christian Apologetics on Christmas
In Henry M. Morris' book, Days to Remember: Devotions for the Holidays Throughout the Year, you will find devotions featuring the apologetics of Christmas on pages 8 - 30. Below you will find two excerpts to help you celebrate the wonder of our God, our Creator, and His gift of Christ.
When Did Jesus Leave Heaven?
His (Jesus) birth was not when He actually left heaven. His incarnation, beginning with His miraculous conception in the womb of the Virgin Mary, was when the eternal Word of God first became flesh. In fact, the term "Christmas," often defined in modern times as the "mass" of Christ, really means "Christ-sent" (the word "mass" itself was derived from the same Latin word from which we get such words as "mission" and "missionary').
Thus, the Son of God was sent on a great mission into the world that He had created thereby to become also the Son of Man, thereafter, living in sinless perfection as God intended man to live. He could then redeem lost men and women by the sacrifice of himself. It is then the incarnation, rather than the birth itself, which is the vital message at the season we call Christmas.
A New Thing Created?
God reminds us, as He reminded His backsliding people of Israel (Jer. 31:22), that He has, indeed, created one new thing in the earth. Since only God can "create" (wherever this verb occurs in the Bible, God is the subject), a really new thing (not just a new combination of existing things) would have to be produced directly by the Lord himself.
Of course, God had completed His original work of creating all things long ago (Gen. 2:1-3), including a marvelous mechanism for human reproduction. Nevertheless, because of man's sin, He very soon had to begin a work of reconciliation, and this included the primeval promise that the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15) would come someday to accomplish this great work. Since all normal reproduction requires the male seed, such a miracle would mean God would have to create a new thing when the appropriate time would come. At that time, as Isaiah prophesied many years later, "the virgin shall conceive and bear a son," and that Son would be "the mighty God," who would establish His kingdom "with justice from henceforth even for ever" (Isa. 7:14; 9:6-7).
The Master Books team is so thankful for the opportunity to partner with you as you lead your family to celebrate Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas. May God be glorified in your hearts.