Posts tagged 'Bible'

God's Story Bible Study Family Devotions

The Perfect Way to Study the Bible Together

3 min read
God’s Story: From Beginning to God’s Return is the perfect supplement to your family’s Bible study time. This beautiful book is packed with 125 illustrated stories from Genesis to Revelation that will bring the Bible to life for your family. The big concepts of the Bible are made easy to understand in a way that adults and children will enjoy.
master books homeschool family seeks God faithfully

Seeking God First in Homeschooling: Anna Shares God’s Faithfulness

4 min read
Anna, a wife and homeschool mom of 6 children, traces the hand of God who has faithfully provided for her family in every season. Using Matthew 6;33, she encourages other homeschool parents to seek Him first in all family matters including discipling her children.
Dinosaurs Dragons & the Bible: Discover the Truth

Discover the Truth about Dinosaurs & Dragons from the Bible

4 min read
Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible will prepare your heart and your home to believe every word of the historical account of creation found in Genesis. Filled with biblical, scientific, and historical facts, the answers found within this faith-building book will help you stand on the authority of God's Word to demolish the evolutionary myths which cause people to doubt God. Sharing your faith will be much easier after reading this apologetic resource on the fascinating topic of dinosaurs and dragons.
Biblical advice homeschool moms

Let God Fulfill His Purpose in You: Carissa’s Advice to Homeschool Moms

4 min read
Carissa, a homeschool mom of 4, shares her personal advice and biblical wisdom with other homeschool moms here at the Master Books blog. You will be encouraged when you read about her answered prayers, how God helps her fulfill her purpose, the biblical curriculum solutions that help her disciple her children, and more!
Discipleship Tools for Your Young Family Mom and 3 kids look at books

Discipleship Tools for Your Young Family

5 min read
At Master Books, we know you don’t need another activity book, you need the tools to be successful in implementing a pattern of discipleship. Where Faith Grows, a homeschool Bible curriculum series for elementary students, provides the tools you need to lead your children into all God has for them.
where faith grows bible curriculum mother daughter

Where Faith Grows 2 - In Stock and Shipping

2 min read
Where Faith Grows Level 2, a Bible curriculum for elementary students ages 7-10, is designed to help you reveal who God is in a way that a child can understand. While learning about specific characteristics of God, your student will also be learning godly character traits.
Human DNA Research Proves the Authority of the Bible

Human DNA Research Proves the Authority of the Bible

2 min read
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, research biologist and creation scientist, joined the Master Books podcast to share his breakthrough research revealing how tracing human DNA  has proven the authority of the Bible. In his book, Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise, Dr. Jeanson shows that genetically we can all trace our ancestry back to the family on Noah's Ark.
Elementary Apologetics Bible Curriculum by Master Books

Help Elementary Homeschool Students Find Biblical Answers!

2 min read

Discipling children to find answers to their questions in the Bible is a critical part of parenting. We've packed answers to over 100 questions real kids have asked about the Bible into our Elementary Apologetics Curriculum Pack for homeschool families.
