Posts tagged 'discipleship'

Meaningful Resurrection Resources for Discipling Your Family

Meaningful Resurrection Resources for Discipling Your Family

7 min read
Discipling your family through homeschooling is such a high calling! At Master Books, we want to help you fulfill the Deuteronomy 6:7 mission by teaching the gospel throughout the day and in every subject. Now is the perfect time to prepare your children's hearts and minds to comprehend the cost of their Salvation and the power of Christ's Resurrection.
Biblical encouragement for homeschool moms

Biblical Motherhood Matters: Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom

3 min read
Your God-given role as a homeschool mom is critical and will certainly impact the generations that follow you. To encourage you in your role, our president, Randy Pratt, joined the Master Books podcast to discuss the vital importance of your role in your family and your legacy. Here are just a few points he shared in this very special episode.
Discipleship Tools for Your Young Family Mom and 3 kids look at books

Discipleship Tools for Your Young Family

5 min read
At Master Books, we know you don’t need another activity book, you need the tools to be successful in implementing a pattern of discipleship. Where Faith Grows, a homeschool Bible curriculum series for elementary students, provides the tools you need to lead your children into all God has for them.