Posts tagged 'parenting'

Prepared Not Scared: 8 Steps to Graduation Readiness for Christian Homeschool Moms

Prepared Not Scared: 8 Steps to Graduation Readiness for Christian Homeschool Moms

4 min read
As a Christian homeschool parent, the journey toward graduation can feel daunting at times. Recently, Master Books offered an online summit packed with biblical wisdom and practical ideas to help you prepare your homeschooled students to launch effectively into adulthood. One of the featured talks offered eight actionable steps to guide you and your family on this path. We are offering these steps and the video as a blog post to help you overcome worries and fears in homeschooling your high school student.
Parents Model the Gospel for their Children 5 Quotes

5 Powerful Parenting Quotes on Modeling the Gospel to Your Children

3 min read
Godly parents make all the difference in the world. We know that you and your spouse are making an immeasurable impact in your children's lives and in the kingdom of God by choosing to homeschool them from a biblical worldview. The end of the year is such a great time to reflect on all the Lord has done and can do for your family. In today's blog post, the Master Books team offers you 5 powerful quotes on modeling the gospel to your children.
probible audio books for parents and family

#ProBible Audio Books with Big Benefits for You and the Family

3 min read
Master Books invites you and your family to make your summer more enjoyable and educational with audio books! In this post, we share a categorized list of our #ProBible audio books and the many ways they can help you enjoy life, disciple your family well, and more!
Biblical encouragement for homeschool moms

Biblical Motherhood Matters: Encouragement for the Homeschool Mom

3 min read
Your God-given role as a homeschool mom is critical and will certainly impact the generations that follow you. To encourage you in your role, our president, Randy Pratt, joined the Master Books podcast to discuss the vital importance of your role in your family and your legacy. Here are just a few points he shared in this very special episode.