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Indoctrination disguised as education. The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed.
Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that
Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today.
Indoctrination disguised as education. The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed.
Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that
Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today.
A collection of 12 leading experts.
Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths
Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy
Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.
Table of Contents
Introduction by Terry James
1. Religionist Deceivers Rampant by Jan Markell
2. Signs Outshine Satan’s Seduction by Dr. David R. Reagan
3. Laodicean Lies by Dr. Gary D. Frazier
4. Cultural Craftiness by Don McGee
5. Tracking Truth in Deceptive Times by J. Michael Hile
6. The Schoolroom Seducers by Israel Wayne
7. Middle East Misdirection by Phillip Goodman
8. New World Order Wizardry by Daymond Duck
9. The Foreteller-Fabricators by Nathan E. Jones
10. Media Manipulators by Todd Strandberg
11. Demon-Conjuring Con Men by Dr. Billy Crone
12. Interdimensional Deception: Satan Still Demands Blood Sacrifices by Gary Stearman
13. The Israel Revilers by Jim Fletcher
14. From Deception to Deliverance by Eric Barger
Conclusion by Terry James
The Authors
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Customer Reviews
Enlightening Read
Review byMichael
This book was very enlightening with respect to how Satan deceives people. Satan has many tactics he uses in this world to distract people from serving God and keep God first. I like how there are various topics in this book written by different authors yet with the consistent theme of exposing lies and offering the truth. I wasn't particularly satisfied with the inflexible eschatological view of Pre-Millenialism being pushed so much though. With that though, I still think this book is worth the read and enlightens the Christian to the tactics of the enemy of which we need to be aware.
Review byLexie
This book is a compilation of sections written by a variety of authors on the ever important topic of spiritual deception. Each section has a separate topic it covers, ranging from media deception to middle east misdirection to school misleadings. I particularly enjoyed reading the chapter on demon-conjuring con men as I felt like it contained so much truth people aren't willing to talk about. Specific examples, such as Harry Potter, are discussed and given reference back to why these things should not fill out time. I felt like this book offered a wide variety of opinions being that it was from different authors yet with all the same purpose. There is a lot of scripture referenced throughout this book as well. I highly recommend it for a later high schooler to adult read.
A must read for today's Christian
Review byKathleen
Wonderful insight from various authors who understand the word of God. Many issues in today's world were covered and examined. This is a very informative and enjoyable book to read. I highly recommend it.
Interesting - Though Provoking
Review byAbbie
Another book written about the deception of the age. This one is very well written with more than one contributor, which means more than one point of view on things. I think this offers a more comprehensive view of things and creates less bias in the book.
I do suggest it be added to a Christians reading list as it opens up great conversation and maybe insight into things we don't normally think about.
Truth book
Review byAshley May
This is a very interesting book to read this book points out many doctrines that are false. That someone that is a True Believer of God's word are falling for. But also the truth is being told that the media like news channels never tell you, and many people believe it all because it is on the news. I love that it is written by many authors. Being able to read one and then the other and getting many points of you, but typically the same deceiving information that is false.
I received this free ebook for my honest opinion.
So relevant for today.
Review bySara
Great book to read with the whole family. Read it then share it!! Homeschool!! Now is the time to trust Jesus with our kids....not public school. So much deception everywhere...