God's Got Your Number (Download)

God's Got Your Number (Download)

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Gaub's unique blend of humor and straightforward teaching make this book a delightful read for anyone wishing to renew the strength of faith. This humble servant relates how his young faith in God prevented him from "chickening-out" when preaching to his first "congregation," and continues with the state of things today as he travels worldwide on missions for Christ.

SKU K211-X
Manufacturer New Leaf Press
Weight (in lbs) 0.00
Title God's Got Your Number (Digital Download)
Contributors Ken Gaub
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC

Do you wonder if miracles from God truly occur in today's world? Are you afraid walking in Christian faith requires too much sacrifice? Then perhaps you've never received a phone call from heaven.

Ken Gaub did, and for this world evangelist it was a wake-up call that the God who talked with Adam in the cool of the Garden has never abandoned mankind, and stays in close contact with us still today.

Gaub's unique blend of humor and straightforward teaching make this book a delightful read for anyone wishing to renew the strength of faith. This humble servant relates how his young faith in God prevented him from "chickening-out" when preaching to his first "congregation," and continues with the state of things today as he travels worldwide on missions for Christ.

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