In God We Trust (Download)

In God We Trust (Download)


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In God We Trust (357.75 kB)

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In God We Trust

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SKU K583-9
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 0.00
Title In God We Trust (Digital Download)
Contributors Steve Ham
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC

Biblical faith is being undermined and criticized with an increasing fervor in schools, on job sites, and in the marketplace.

  • Are you equipped to face the onslaught of secular, anti-Christian values and viewpoints?
  • Can you clearly state why you believe in Christ and the authority of the Bible?
  • How does this work in your daily life?

In God We Trust is a guided journey that will help you:

  • Identify the influence of the secular worldview and how it attempts to compromise the Word of God. 
  • Distinguish between genuine authority and the counterfeit authority of so many at present. 
  • Realize how your commitment to God's authority will impact your church, family, and others for Christ.

Author Steve Ham, Director of Outreach at Answers in Genesis, clearly delves into the issues of faith and God's authority in the life of the believer in order to prepare you to stand firm. An intriguing exploration of why man was never meant to rule himself, but instead to operate within an authoritative structure designed by God. Steve is co-author of Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World, and the popular evangelism series, Answers for Life.

Be equipped to stand on the authority of Scripture!
Review by JoyfulMommy
Mr. Steve Ham (brother of creation apologist Ken Ham) powerfully demonstrates the need for a return to the authority of Scripture - God’s Word - in every area of life. Every person stands on someone’s authority, the question is merely whose: man’s word or God’s Word? This quote summarized it well, “There is no such thing as neutrality. There is only the worshiping of ourselves over our Creator and putting our authority above His.”

While it is true that some come to belief in Christ and salvation without a thorough understanding of Scripture and the authority of God’s Word, we need to “tighten” what Steve Ham calls our “loose hinges” so we can stand firmly on the Truth of Scripture. Salvation experiences may result in peace and contentment, but that isn’t what makes the gospel true. It is true because God is God; He is the Creator and the ultimate authority, and His Word is the special revelation of this truth.

After exploring the authority in the Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Mr. Ham looks at the practical application of this authority in Christian living, worship, family life, church life, and evangelism. I was personally very encouraged by the reminders that the family is a representation of submission within the Godhead and in the Church. No individual is more important, but each one has a specific role to fill in God’s design; and blessings follow when these roles are fulfilled and embraced with joy in obedience to God’s authority - in turn blessing the local church, the community, and the world. In contrast, statistics are shared that show the practical reality of failure to submit to biblical authority in the family, and the erosion that creates in society. I was also convicted that we are commanded under the authority of Christ Jesus Himself to GO and evangelize - spread the gospel knowing that He is with us always and He WILL return! May we eagerly anticipate that day with expectation and joy knowing that His Word is sure!

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