Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2 (Curriculum Pack)
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Continue the amazing discoveries of how God designed our bodies in Master Books’ Introduction toAnatomy & Physiology Volume 2. This Christian homeschool science curriculum for high school students explores the digestive system, metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems which include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems. Beautiful full-color images fill the student text, Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2, bringing these systems to life for the student. The Teacher Guide offers worksheets, quizzes, and tests to help your students solidify their knowledge of the human body created by the one and only Master Designer.
Designed for grades 9 to 12, this one-year course is equivalent to 1 science credit. Lessons are scheduled 30-45 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Explore the wonder of the created human body from a biblical worldview. Master Books’ Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Volume 2 is a homeschool science curriculum for high school students introducing God’s design of the digestive system, metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems.
Drs. Tommy and Elizabeth Mitchell, both Vanderbilt educated medical doctors, creationists, and homeschoolers, wrote this series together to reveal the wonder of God’s design for life and the authority of His written word.
Students will explore the answers to these questions and more:
How does the cereal you had for breakfast become energy?
How does the chicken you had for supper provide the amino acids the body needs to build proteins?
How does the human body form so wondrously in a mother’s womb?
How does the blood ceaselessly transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body?
This course also reveals the things that go wrong in our bodies as a result of our fallen cursed world. Students will explore the problems that occur when our bodies are damaged by disease or injury.
Course Objectives
Identify dietary needs
Investigate the properties of amino acids
Explore the anatomy of the stomach
Discover the process of digestion
Learn about nutrition and metabolism
Understand the basic genetics of the human body
Distinguish the male and female reproductive systems
Discover the function of blood
Understand the purpose of the immune system
Included in the Course
Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2
The digestive system
The metabolism
The reproductive system
Special systems (include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems)
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Volume 2 Teacher Guide
Convenient daily schedule to save you time!
Answer keys for worksheets
Quizzes and tests
Perforated pages
Course Features:
Full color student text
Recommended for grades 9-12
Equivalent to 1 high school science credit
Lessons are scheduled 30-45 minutes a day, 5 days a week
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We are excited to announce the release of Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 for grades 9-12. In these two courses, students will learn about human anatomy from a biblical worldview, understand that they were fearfully and wonderfully made, and also see the absurd fallacy of an evolutionary worldview.
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We are excited to announce the release of Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 for grades 9-12. In these two courses, students will learn about human anatomy from a biblical worldview, understand that they were fearfully and wonderfully made, and also see the absurd fallacy of an evolutionary worldview.
Customer Reviews
This is a fantastic course that is very informative for a high school child.
Review byKathleen C
Teacher Guide: The required book to accompany this teacher guide is Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2 by Dr. Tommy Mitchell.
The Teacher's Guide contains schedules, worksheets, quizzes, tests, and answer keys.
Three units cover the topics: Digestive System and Metabolism, Reproductive System, and Special Systems.
In the first unit, there is vocabulary, fill-in-the-blank, and detailed images for the child to label. The second and third units have vocabulary, fill in the blank, and ask the child to draw and label what they learned about. There is also a space for personal reflection. The images used for the child to label are very detailed. There is vocabulary and fill-in-the-blank for each lesson.
We loved the section at the end that gives you several scenarios of patients with symptoms and asks the child to diagnose them. That was fun!
Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2: Answers the question “Why did God create my body like this?”
Covers: The Digestive System & Metabolism, The Reproductive System, and Special Systems (Blood, Lymphatic, Immune, Urinary, Endocrine, and, Integumentary).
As you examine the human body closely, you will see that it cannot be by accident. It can only be the product of a Master Designer. Two things that I loved about this book were all of the vibrant pictures and images along with the “Designed by the Master” section of each lesson. That section is so attractive because it explains how & why God created that part of the body.
Excellent Curriculum!
Review bySarahT
Well-written and easy to follow, students will love learning about the human body with this well-thought-out curriculum. Systems are thoroughly introduced, and worksheets and extra materials support students through their journey in this course. My husband is in the radiology field and agree this was a great introduction to the topic and would help prepare students for the future!
Fearfully and wonderfully made!
Review byJoyfulMommy
What a fascinating study, one I wish I had done in my high school years! Learning about the complexity of each detail in the human body, I find myself marveling and echoing the words of Psalm 139:14, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Written from a decidedly Biblical worldview, the author frequently points us to our all-wise Creator and Designer - and shows how evolution cannot account for the complex systems in our bodies.
The text is well-written, engaging, detailed but understandable, and complemented by excellent illustrations and diagrams. Worksheets include activities such as defining words, fill-in-the-blanks, and completing charts which will help the students interact with the text to retain the information.
Like other reviewers have mentioned, vaccines are presented with no hint of controversy regarding safety or effectiveness, so plan to discuss your viewpoint with your students if you differ in your opinion.
The biblical worldview really shines in the reproductive section. I appreciate how they teach the scientific terms for developing babies, but are clear that they are babies, created in God’s image, from the moment of conception. Genetic problems that lead to miscarriage or health challenges are related as a sad reality in our sin-cursed world. While I know this is going to be an excellent high school study, I’m brushing up on it myself so I’m better able to explain what takes place during puberty to my elementary-aged children... and am awed all over again at the miracle of human life!
High Level Anatomy & Physiology
Review byLaurie
This course will be super helpful for students looking into college, especially those with a future in healthcare. It dives deep into understanding how the body functions when healthy and the problems that arise when it doesn't. So much information is wrapped up in this series, Wonders of the Human Body Volume 1 and 2. Your child/ren will undoubtedly have a better understanding of God's grand design in making the human body.
Thorough A&P course
Review byDustie
This is one of the courses I wish I’d been able to take when I was a high school student. It is so amazing to see how wonderfully detailed The Creator made the human body. This course is well-organized, detailed, colorful, and engaging. The book is not just endless walls of text, like some are. It is detailed, yet understandable and not overwhelming. I would caution parents to review the section on vaccinations and discuss this with your children or omit it, based on your family’s values and beliefs.
This set includes a well-organized teacher guide. The course schedule, course objectives, worksheets, quizzes, and answer guide are included in the teacher guide. The course is designed to have couple of days of reading, followed by a worksheet. The worksheets are consistent with the reading. The workload is appropriate for a high school student.
I would highly recommend this course for any high school student who is interested in a medical career or just curious about how our bodies function.
A great continuation into anatomy!
Review bySara
This course is a great continuation from the Anatomy and physiology 1 course for high schoolers. This set goes through the digestive system/metabolism, the reproductive system, and finally special systems. Worksheets are vocabulary, fill in the blanks and labeling of parts. At the end of each unit there is a quiz, every 2 quizzes there seems to be a test. The course book is very colorful and appealing to my high schooler, They use lots of charts, pictures and diagrams to get a lot of information into a chapter. I am very impressed with this course, and was actually more interested in this one over the first volume because it included the reproductive system. It can be very challenging to find the reproductive system taught tastefully and from a christian worldview. I was very pleased with how this unit was tackled, always pointing to Gods design, and giving students the facts in a mature manner.
Excellent Curriculum!
Review byKrista
"Anatomy & Physiology 2" by MasterBooks gives a detailed look at the human body's advanced systems. The book is easy to follow with helpful illustrations, covering topics like the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. It's a great starting point for those interested in healthcare or biology, providing a strong foundation for deeper study. This book is a valuable tool for students and anyone curious about how the body works.
Excellent Anatomy & Physiology Curriculum!
Review byDanielle
My 8th grader loved Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2. It is a highly engaging introduction to anatomy and physiology. He completed Volume 1 his 7th grade year. Throughout the text there are full-color pages and diagrams, helping to make the concepts clear to both auditory and visual learners. The worksheets, quizzes, & tests were an excellent companion with this course for helping to retain the information read in the text. Both volumes 1 and 2 text books are an excellent resource for any homeschooling library. I highly recommend both volumes. However, I wish I would of waited until my son was going into the 9th grade to start Volume 1 so it could be counted as a High School Science Credit.
An Excellent Intro to Anatomy & Physiology!
Review byBecky V.
Wonders of the Human Body, Volume 2 is the second part of the high school level Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology which covers the units of the digestive system and metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems. Special systems include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems. Volume 1 of the series includes the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
A separate teacher guide (included in this set) is available to go through this volume with a 36-week schedule and includes worksheets, quizzes, and an answer key to go along with each lesson.
This volume is very impressive as an introduction to anatomy and physiology. It does an excellent job introducing the systems covered in the book. This would be a great introductory course to go through with a student that might be interested in a career in the medical field. It definitely leaves room to go even more in depth on a subject if the student should desire to.
A few notes:
Master Books always does an excellent job at pointing the student back to Scripture and God as Creator, and this course does exactly that. Designed by the Master sections also emphasizes this throughout the text, as does the closing chapters of each unit.
The text is written in a simple language that easily understandable, yet goes into enough depth to get a detailed understanding of every subject discussed. The graphics and images are very helpful in understanding.
Reproduction was tastefully discussed. I love how the text states that God designed a man and woman’s anatomy to fit perfectly together and specifies that of a husband and wife. Anatomical images are included, but I did not find them to be inappropriate for the intended student of this course.
There are some hot topics briefly touched on. Vaccines for example. The text, like I said, is brief, which leaves it up to you how in-depth you want to go into the subject matter. I actually appreciate this and do not look at is as a negative.
I would definitely recommend this course (both volumes 1 and 2) to anyone looking for an introduction to anatomy and physiology that points to God as Creator.
Great Anatomy Curriculum
Review byCrystal
Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2 is a highly engaging introduction to anatomy and physiology. There are full-color pages and diagrams on every page, helping to make the concepts clear to both auditory and visual learners. I found the text to be both easy to read and interesting, as it instructs the student while maintaining wonder at God’s creation. Written in a conversational tone, it is both appropriate as a read aloud to different age levels, or independently by the student.
The “Designed by the Master,” info boxes are my favorite. You’ll find several in each lesson, and they detail a special purpose or design for what you’re learning about. They also will openly present the evolutionary perspective, yet teach the creationist truth. I love how apologetics is so seamlessly woven into this curriculum.