Why are there many different download options for eBooks?

There are a variety of devices and programs with varying capabilities. We do our best to provide the most common formats for a wide range of these devices depending on the content of the material, and typically offer the following format options for download:

Highly graphical books:

  • Kindle Fixed Layout: A proprietary format used on Amazon Kindle devices and app.
  • Fixed Format ePub3: Standardized ePub3 format, fully supported by Apple’s iBooks platform, and partially supported by other readers.
  • PDF: Exactly-as-printed layout: best viewed in Acrobat Reader.

Books that are predominately text:

  • ePub: Standard ePub3 books, widely supported.
  • Mobi: Mobipocket format, also supported by Amazon Kindle devices and app.
  • PDF: Exactly-as-printed layout: best viewed in Acrobat Reader.
