The Lie: Evolution (Download)

The Lie: Evolution (Download)


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In 1987 Ken Ham wrote what would become a prophetic warning to the Church about the destructive effects of compromise with evolutionary ideas, and how this compromise undermines Scriptural authority and erodes Christian confidence in the infallibility of God’s Word. Today we have Christians not only confused when it comes to Genesis and age of the earth, but even the reality of Hell, Adam as a real person, and Christ’s own words about creation, marriage and more are being debated in the pulpits across the world. In this special revised and updated edition, Ken Ham again takes the lead in pointing out the looming precipice the Church is rushing towards, how evolution and/or millions of years, is driving away young people of the faith, and the biblical solution that can change it!

SKU K686-7
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 0.00
Title The Lie: Evolution (Revised & Expanded - Digital Download)
Contributors Ken Ham
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC

Today, Christians (and those considering the Christian faith) increasingly doubt the Bible’s reliability. Why? What changed?

Revised & Expanded for this special 25th-anniversary edition, Ken Ham points out the looming precipice too many church leaders are rushing towards a denial of the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse. In addition, Ken powerfully shows how the unproven, unscientific philosophy of evolution is driving young people away from the Christian faith and provides solid, biblical solutions to turn things around.

The Lie uncovers:

  • Why Genesis remains critically important in presenting the Gospel
  • This slippery slope of reinterpreting Scripture and redefining biblical doctrine
  • How the handling of the biblical account of creation impacts your understanding of all of Scripture and your worldview
  • The collapsing structure of Christianity as Genesis is questioned, compromised, and dismissed
  • The religion of evolution
  • The authority of God’s Word versus man’s fallible word
  • Genesis as the foundation for all biblical doctrine
  • Evolutionary ideas are actually destructive to the foundational message of the Cross of Jesus Christ
  • Evolution is used to justify social issues such as abortion, communism, drug abuse, homosexual practices and worse
  • The successful use of creation evangelism to present the whole gospel message

These issues are of critical importance when you realize that today we have Christians questioning Genesis, the age of the earth, the reality of Hell, Adam as a real person, and Christ’s own words about creation, marriage and more. One compromise just leads to another – and it has to end if we want to leave a legacy of faith to future generations.

Churches, individuals, and Bible colleges are using this Christian apologetic resource to strengthen their faith, families, and sharing of the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.

Confirms the truth of creation
Review by Kathleen C
The basic thrust of the book is to call Christians back to the book of Genesis as our starting point for understanding origins rather than following the evolutionary teaching of secularism.

Listeners will face the obvious differences between the worldview of Scripture and secularism/evolution. Ken Ham is passionate about the truth and about Christians knowing the truth. He employs ample Scriptural support for Christians to consider and come to grips with. This is Ken Ham’s call for Christians to wake from their slumber of ignorance about the origins debate and arm themselves with understanding and truth about the issues at stake.

Ken Ham shows that Genesis is a dependable account of actual events supported by solid scientific evidence. He demonstrates how the questioning of this foundational book of the Bible, even by many Christians, has led to the degeneration of society so that the only moral codes it accepts are based upon “survival of the fittest,” “do your own thing,” and “if it feels good, do it.” There are no moral absolutes in this foundationless society.

The Lie: Evolution provides Christians with needed answers to the common questions of the unbeliever and advice for parents who must prepare their children to face a rebellious secular world.

This audiobook is for the updated version released in 2012. The original book was first released in 1987.
Truthful Treasure
Review by Heidi
I love Ken Ham books! When I have the opportunity, I definitely snag them up. I initially previewed the book and am sure that I will love it as much as I love his others. I love that I will have the resources to let my son see the truth instead of the garbage that is allowed to be taught with evolutions at schools. Thank you Ken Ham!!!

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