Pitchin' A Fit!


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Parenting comes with stresses that can make the most laid-back among us feel irritable, frustrated, and angry. Even parents who sincerely love their children sometimes use the wrong methods of anger and frustration in an attempt to control their children. But angry parenting doesn’t just weaken relationships between parents and their children; it can, over time, destroy them. Few parents set out to become yelling meanies who no longer enjoy their children. Yet many feel stuck, unable to pull themselves out of their ugly habits. This book:

  • Provides practical and biblical solutions to get to the other side of the issue
  • Gives hope and freedom from the tyranny of stressed-out and angry parenting
  • Offers solutions that are ideal for any family.

If anger is in your home — even in small ways — this book is for you. It is time to replace that anger with something more powerful: patience and peace. Israel and Brook share candidly from their experience as parents.

A Look Inside

Pitchin' A Fit! (934.30 kB)
SKU 739-7
Manufacturer New Leaf Press
Weight (in lbs) 0.50
Title Pitchin' A Fit!
Subtitle Overcoming Angry and Stressed-Out Parenting
ISBN 13 9780892217397
Contributors Brook Wayne, Israel Wayne
Binding Paperback
Page Count 192
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 1/2 x 8 1/2

Taming the Meanie Monster

If you are a parent, you have been there. Children do things that test the limits of those of us who admire rationality and common sense. Our innate default in such moments is to respond badly. We all struggle with anger to some extent. It is only through learning what God has to say on the subject of anger, and through appropriating the power of the Holy Spirit, that we can escape the tyranny of our own tendencies and addictions.

If you struggle with habitual anger, there are several things you need to know.

  1. You are not alone. Everyone struggles with this issue to some extent.
  2. It is not okay. Left unchecked it will damage important relationships.
  3. There is hope. There is freedom found in God’s Word to help you overcome this habitual sin.

We hope that you will join us on a mission to escape the trap of angry and stressed-out parenting. In this book, we will share with you a biblical view of anger, strategies for breaking life-long habits, and ways that you can build up and encourage your child rather than tear him or her down.

Table of Contents

1. Stressed Out and Overwhelmed
2. Is It Wrong to Get Angry?
3. What Causes Anger?
4. Provoking Our Children to Wrath
5. Trigger Happy — What Sets You Off?
6. Yelling Moms, Hollering Dads
7. “But I’m Not Patient!”
8. What Patience Is and Isn’t
9. Nurture in the Heart of Correcting
10.The Power of Affirmation
11. Creating Peace in the Home
12. Accountability


I have known Israel and Brook Wayne and their children for many years. During that time I have had the joy of watching their family grow to now nine children. When it comes to parenting, they practice what they preach. Speaking from the perspective of a pastor, their children are some of the most well-behaved children I’ve ever had the blessing of being with. They behave better, and pay attention in church, more than some adults I know. Biblically parenting their children isn’t something they just do, it’s who they are. I only wish I had their insights to parenting when I raised my own. It would have made things easier.

Richard Grom, Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast

The Wayne’s have done a wonderful job of telling a story of the danger of anger in the family. Their transparency shows they have lived in our shoes and this lends credibility to their anger solutions. If we fall to temptation and sin in the area of anger, there is hope in repentance and confession as seen in their story. I was greatly encouraged by regularly pointing us to biblical truth. One of the keys of adopting what the Waynes are teaching is that it will help to build the foundation for long-term healthy relationships with our children as they move into adulthood. I would highly recommend this book and the study questions at the end of each chapter to help overcome all forms of anger in the home.

Todd Kangas, Director of Midwest Parent Educators

Scripture commands fathers to avoid exasperating their children and provoking them to anger. Yet our kid’s disobedience seems to naturally bring out the anger buried inside. So how are parents to reach the heart of our young children and shepherd them with grace and gentleness? I’m a firm believer in one of Brook’s and Israel’s suggestions to “slow down and sit down” when you are suddenly faced with a need to discipline a young one. After all, what’s the rush? Slowing down will help you as much as it will bless your children. Give it a try. I bet you will feel better about the whole process.

Davis Carman, President, Apologia Educational Ministries

Sound, biblical counsel for parenting all ages
Review by Andrea
Practical, interesting, and effective. This book has really helped me to think through the example I set for our son, to a personal reflection and conviction, while gently guiding to appropriate discipline not out of anger, but speaking truth in love.
I've read many over the course of 15 years, and this is my first go-to for what I consider that he sound biblical counsel in the world of parenting. Love this!
Quick and helpful
Review by Jessica
This is a simple read full of thought-provoking topics. It is a great book that I will probably read again several times.
Turning point
Review by Ava
I knew our home needed a change. I also knew the majority of change had to be within me. This book was so helpful in pointing out why things were getting off course and how to correct it. Scripture is the basis for every correction and I felt confident in following Israel and Brook's advice. Must read!
Great parenting book
Review by JENNIFER
Definitely will be reading this at least once a year. Great resource for parents.
Good reminder
Review by KP22
This book is a great reminder for parents about the important job God has given us in raising our children and offers insight into biblical ways to handle frustration and impatience.
Wow, Such A Game Changer For All Parents!
Review by Danielle
This book is probably one of my top picks on parenting for Christians. Brook & Israel do a beautiful job tying in scripture and leading parents to God’s Word when it comes to raising our children with a Biblical worldview. This book has taught me that parenting is about sowing and reaping. That the only fruit that will grow from seeds of anger are rotten fruit. That if my child won’t listen the first time, saying it louder and with more emphasis will not make a difference, gains nothing, and that I will ultimately lose their heart. A yelling atmosphere only breaks a child’s spirit and does the exact opposite of what a Christian parent wants to see happen in their child. This book has taught me that if my heart holds the good treasure of desiring to see my children grow in faith in God, then the abundance of my words will always come back around to promoting faith in God. Giving praise and speaking words of life and spirit to my children gives less room for fleshly anger and death to my relationship with them.
I would definitely recommend this book to all parents who are looking to raise their children with love and patience and overcome angry and stressed-out parenting.
Such a great book!
Review by Meghan
This book is so great and an eye opener. I’m so happy I bought it. It takes parenting and brings in a view that I wasn’t raised with. I love how they bring in the Bible and relevant verses...this book will be one I have to come back to on this parenting journey. Because sometimes we need support and a reminder
Great for every parent!
Review by Cass
This little book was full of such great information. My husband and I both learned so much from this book!
Dealing with frustration in parenting
Review by Samantha
Fantastic parenting resource, specifically in handling frustration.
Calling all parents!
Review by S.G.Y.
Regardless of your approach is to parenting, we are bound to get frustrated and experience these big emotions. The key is to respond and not react. So guilty of this. Something I'm working on. This book encourages parents and also uses the Bible on how to discipline our kids in a healthy way without breaking their spirits.
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