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The collapse of the Christian worldview in America and the West is happening, to the utter shock of Christians. Why? They’ve been blind to the enemy’s stealth attack on biblical history and authority, which has led multiple generations to abandon God’s Word as their foundation.
The collapse of the Christian worldview in America and the West is happening, to the utter shock of Christians. Why? They’ve been blind to the enemy’s stealth attack on biblical history and authority, which has led multiple generations to abandon God’s Word as their foundation.
When our culture asks the questions dealt with in this book — and our kids parrot these questions and ideas heard from schools, libraries, movies, books, music, YouTube, social media, etc. — it must be remembered they’re not innocent, unintentional questions. They stem fundamentally from a rejection of biblical authority. Quick Answers to Social Issues provides answers for
some of the toughest questions of the day regarding:
Marriage and sexuality from God’s Word
Response to the LGBTQ+ community
Animal rights and the green movement
The biblical response to racism
It’s imperative that Christians be ready to give answers to today’s questions! Thus, the passion and purpose of this book is to equip you with clear, concise biblical answers to effectively stand on God’s Word and boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ on the frontlines of today’s battle!
Table of Contents
Life Issues
Equality Issues
Marriage, Sexual, & Gender Issues
Environmental Issues
I loved Bryan’s first Quick Answers book and this second volume is just as impactful. Bryan provides biblical insights into today’s hot-button issues, clearing away the clouds of confusion our culture has created by highlighting and always bringing it back to the true nature of the battle — God’s Word vs. man’s word. This is a resource every teen and adult needs to read!
Ken Ham - CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis-US, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter
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Customer Reviews
A must
Review byJessie
I think this book is a must have for growing children in middle or high school. Sure you could assemble verses and arguments for them and teach them, but this could be a good tool to come back to and have when you need it. I like the page about judging. In our society where its scary to stand apart, we still need to be able to give an answer and this book can help with those big issues.
Simple and Relevant
Review byElisabeth
An excellent resource for anyone wanting a handy reference to why Christians believe what they do about many of the 'hot topic' social issues of today's world. This would also be a great guide for people working in youth groups or with young adults who are seeking answers.
HIGHLY Recommend
Review byCourtney
Excellent and helpful. Teens and parents alike, we are facing these issues at an increasing rate, they are in our face almost everywhere! This is a trustworthy and helpful resource for us! Great for both the teen to read on their own, and for read-aloud and family conversations.
Review byJessica
This book is great for explaining things from a Biblical view to my children that I just don't have the words for myself. Its very relevant for all that is happening in our world today.
Eye opening read!
Review byBlythe
Got this for my children to read when they are teens, but found myself thankful to have for myself as well. With the state of the world today, this book helps even myself remember where the truth truly lies. We can all be lead astray in thoughts, this was eye opening.
Yes! Get this book!
Review byCaroline
When I attended a conservative Bible college, I was totally immersed in an atmosphere where a strong biblical worldview was taught. And I was stunned when I realized how much my worldview was influenced by the culture - Even though my parents were strong Christians, I grew up in church, and I was homeschooled. Don’t just assume that your kids are getting a biblical worldview because they attend church and are out of public school. Use this book to inform your mind and your children’s minds on these issues. Even if you address these subjects in other ways with your kids, this book can still serve as a clear and concise reminder of what we believe on these issues and why.
Great quick reference to hot topic issues
Review byMichael
In a culture where anything seems to go except for Gods truth, this book is a refreshing reminder that only in God's Word can we see the truth about social issues that surround us. This book helps to truthfully address many social issues that keep people in bondage to sin. It also helps enlighten the Christian so they would have a Biblical worldview on these social issues. I would highly recommend adding this to the Christian's library so they can be edified and also share the truth of God's Word in a relevant way. I also recommend it for the skeptic so they may better understand where Christian's are coming from on these issues.
So very timely
Review byMegan
Quick Answers to Social Issues is such a timely book. With so many Social Issues making the news on a daily basis recently, I greatly appreciated the information this book presented. So often, we know that something is wrong or we might feel that a movement is “not quite right”, but we have difficulty expressing exactly how we feel and know that. This book is the perfect resource. It explains each social issue and addresses the problems with the issue from the Bible and logic. I would highly recommend this book to all parents and especially to all teenagers and especially especially to all college bound seniors! These issues are not going away and it is a great resource to have to discuss with all who have questions about just what is happening in society today.
Great resource
Review byAbbie
Are you looking for a resource that will help you navigate difficult topics that are hot button topics in today's world? Are you searching yourself for the Biblical response to some of these questions? What about abortion, cloning, racism, slavery, sexism, feminism, genocide.....
Master Books has added to the resources on how to handle these issues. I love the fact that this book is broken down into small sections and that issues are addressed through a Biblical Worldview that in and of itself is non-confrontational. I say this because every issue addressed in this book, by it's mere nature can be confrontational in the fact that emotions run deeply and indoctrination into our sub-culture and the world view of that sub-culture can make people defensive. However, this book systematically addresses the issue with the Bible. When some books on these types of things seem to be legalistic or denomination driven - this one is neutral and simply looks at what the Bible has to say.
The dedication of this books has this in the closing paragraph, "It's my prayer that God will use this book as a tool for His glory in equipping the saints to valiantly stand on God's Word, boldly defend their faith, and lovingly share the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost, confused and dying world!" - And that is precisely what I feel this book accomplishes in a gentle, graceful way; unapologetically Biblical yet not legalistic. In the end one is presented with the Biblical stand on the issue and one must weigh for oneself where you stand and what you believe and what you will stand for. But it gives the Believer the ability to boldly answer questions and to know exactly what the Bible teaches.
I will be giving this book as gifts to parents. New parents often need resources to have as they raise their own families - a way to teach them why they believe what they believe. Because if you were like me as a young parent I sometimes had difficulty articulating why it was that I believed something in a way that was gentle and filled with grace.
I was given a digital copy of this book in exchange for a review. My review is an honest review.
Great Guide
Review byBeatriz
This book is such a great guide because times are crazy now. We are living in times where our faith is tested often. Where opinions are said to be judgemental, should we stay quiet, or should we speak and defend? This book tells you how to do it and why. It touches critical topics of current times, and how Christians need to stand in their faith and speak, how Christians should have an opinion. I am blessed to have this book in my hands. Thank you!