Searching for Adam (Scratch & Dent)

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You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man!

Though there are a growing number of books out on Adam, this one is unique with its multi-author combination of biblical, historical, theological, scientific, archaeological, and ethical arguments in support of believing in a literal Adam and the Fall. A growing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall, which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. This book will increase your confidence in the truth of Genesis 1–11 and the gospel!

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A Look Inside

Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 1.50
Title Searching for Adam
Subtitle Genesis and the Truth about Man's Origin
ISBN 13 9780890519752
Contributors Dr. Terry Mortenson
Binding Paperback
Page Count 600
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 6 x 9

You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man!

Though there are a growing number of books out on Adam, this one is unique with its multi-author combination of biblical, historical, theological, scientific, archaeological, and ethical arguments in support of believing in a literal Adam and the Fall. A growing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall, which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. This book will increase your confidence in the truth of Genesis 1–11 and the gospel!

  • Enhance your understanding pertaining to the biblical evidence for taking Genesis as literal history
  • Discover the scientific evidence from genetics, fossils, and human anatomy for the Bible’s teaching about Adam
  • Understand the moral, spiritual, and gospel reasons why belief in a literal Adam and Fall are essential for Christian orthodoxy

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Old Testament Evidence for a Literal, Historical Adam and Eve
  • 2. The Question of a Historical Adam: a New Testament Perspective
  • 3. Adam’s Place in the History of the Church’s Theology
  • 4. “Where Are You, Adam?” The Disappearance of Adam and the Death of Truth
  • 5. When Was Adam Created?
  • 6. What’s Lost in John Walton’s The Lost World of Adam and Eve?
  • 7. Adam and the Image of God
  • 8. Did Humans Really Evolve from Ape-like Creatures?
  • 9. Neanderthals: Our Worthy Ancestors
  • 10. Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve
  • 11. Human Anatomy: Unique Upright Design
  • 12. Human Anatomy: Unique Skills and Beauty
  • 13. Evolution, Racism, and the Scientific Vindication of Genesis
  • 14. Ancient Man — Genius or Primitive?
  • 15. Humanity’s Shared History Reflecting the Truth of Genesis 1–11
  • 16. Adam, Morality, the Gospel, and the Authority of Scripture
  • Recommended Resources
  • Contributors
  • Subject Index
  • Name Index
  • Scripture Index
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