The Priority of Making Disciples


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Those in the church and ministry are familiar with the Great Commission – the call to go forth and make disciples. However, for many, it isn’t that easy in a world increasingly influenced by doubters and distractions. Many Christian leaders may talk about it, but few really do it. Making disciples isn’t a complicated program, but a simple plan that comes only from Jesus. Now a diverse group of pastors, representing urban and rural communities, secular and Christian areas, as well as diverse multicultural backgrounds, and all known for successfully making new disciples, have gathered these sermons to encourage others to be disciple makers too.

A Look Inside

SKU 766-3
Manufacturer New Leaf Press
Weight (in lbs) 0.60
Title The Priority of Making Disciples
Subtitle The Messiah and Our Mission in Matthew 28:16-20
ISBN 13 9780892217663
Binding Paperback
Page Count 185
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 5 1/2 x 8 1/2

Those in the church and ministry are familiar with the Great Commission – the call to go forth and make disciples. However, for many, it isn’t that easy in a world increasingly influenced by doubters and distractions. Many Christian leaders may talk about it, but few really do it. Making disciples isn’t a complicated program, but a simple plan that comes only from Jesus. Now a diverse group of pastors, representing urban and rural communities, secular and Christian areas, as well as diverse multicultural backgrounds, and all known for successfully making new disciples, have gathered these sermons to encourage others to be disciple makers too. Discover:

  • How Jesus practiced the Great Commission before He ever preached it
  • Why discipleship begins with a whole-life understanding of worship
  • When disciple-making gets confused with church growth efforts

These and countless other insights will help guide you in a faithful, deliberate effort to fulfill the Great Commission – no matter where you live or what communities in which you minister. Included in the book are:

  • The sermon texts and their outline formats.
  • 12 study guides, one for each sermon, that can be used in small group or one-on-one settings in the week following the preaching of the sermon.
  • A final appendix providing a self-evaluation tool that helps each person being discipled to evaluate the progress they are making in their walk with Christ.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Matthew 28:16a — Then
  • 2. Matthew 28:16b — The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had told them to go
  • 3. Matthew 28:17a — When they saw Him, they worshiped Him
  • 4. Matthew 28:17b — But some doubted
  • 5. Matthew 28:18 — All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
  • 6. Matthew 28:19a — Therefore go
  • 7. Matthew 28:19b — Make disciples of all nations
  • 8. Matthew 28:19c — Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
  • 9. Matthew 28:20a — Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you
  • 10. Matthew 28:20b — And surely I am with you always
  • 11. Matthew 28:20c — To the very end of the age
  • 12. Matthew 28:16–20 — The Priority of Discipleship
  • Appendix 1 — Sermon Outlines
  • Appendix 2 — Life Group Study Guide
  • Appendix 3 — Personal Growth Assessment
Must Read
Review by Christina
This book is a must read for any believer. How many times do we hear to make disciplines, and then never put any effort into it? This book, a compilation of many Pastors' sermons on the Great Commission, from different walks of life and different types of churches. It gives wonderful advice on how to put the Great Commission into action, and it's super easy. Worth every penny- and buy a few more to hand out to your friends/family.
In depth study of Matthew 28:16-20
Review by Lexie
This book is an in depth study of Matthew 28:16-20 which is written from several different pastors. In addition to each pastor discussing a different part of this section of the Bible, we hear about their practical life application in each chapter's addendum.
Great Resource.
Review by Abbie
We are all familiar with the Great Commission. However, somewhere along the road the mission became more focussed on growing the local church in numbers. Our measure of success somehow became skewed by the world and success was considered growing the local church - gaining numbers. This book is a fresh look at the Great Commission. It is a fresh look at discipleship. The book is compiled of several sermons with practical applications made by the Pastors. This will make you take a step back and re-think the passage of Scripture that we may have become too familiar with, so familiar that we may have neglected it in the most applicable way. The mission has always been about growing the kingdom - not the local church. I really appreciate this book as a Pastor's wife who is married to a Pastor whose heart has always been for the individual. Often he has sat before committees and leadership boards and even elders and been asked, "That is a great out reach but how many of those people are actually coming to this church, where is their tithe going?" This question eximplifies the misapplication of this passage of scritpure. It highlights the fact that "discipleship" has been lost in the hurry to grow the church in numbers. I have proudly sat back and listened to him reply that people were attending other churches because of the outreach. The point of the outreach was and should be always getting Jesus to people, not people into the church. The people then need to connect with a church that they are most comfortable with and we can count that the outreach is successful when we see Jesus in people.

Excellent book and resource. It can be used for small groups and Bible Study which makes it an even more versatile resource.

Special thanks to Master Books for the opportunity to review this book.

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