The World's Story 2: The Middle Ages


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For Ages 11-13

Full-color student textbook from our World's Story 2 (Set) featuring engaging narrative and beautiful historic illustrations, photographs, maps, and cultural connections.

The World's Story 2 Teacher Guide which provides an easy-to-implement schedule, assignments, student worksheets, and answer keys is required to complete this one-year course World history homeschool course.

A Look Inside


SKU M094-9
Manufacturer Master Books
Weight (in lbs) 2.10
Title The World's Story 2: The Middle Ages
Subtitle The Fall of Rome Through the Renaissance
Series The World's Story
Volume in Series 2
ISBN 13 9781683440949
Contributors Angela O'Dell
Binding Paperback
Page Count 368
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 8 1/2 x 11

A Charlotte Mason inspired Journey Through World History!

The World's Story 2 guides students in a trip around the world as they study history from the Fall of Rome to the Renaissance.

In The World's Story 2, your student will:

  • See God's guiding hand through history
  • Study the major events of the Middle Ages and delve into how society and culture developed and changed
  • Study Church history of this period
  • Study medieval civilizations spanning the whole globe, including the Byzantines, Anglo-Saxons, Muslims, Chinese, Japanese, Mongols, Mughals, Vikings, Normans, Russians, Songhai, and Aztecs
  • and so much more!

Exciting, interactive stories!

The World's Story 2 brings history alive for students in an exciting way! Through engaging, conversational narrative, O'Dell interacts with students and draws them in to imagine the adventures, hardships, failures, and triumphs of the incredible events and civilizations that shaped Middle-Age world history.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. The Fall of Rome
  • 2. The Rise of the Church
  • 3. England’s Angles and Saxons
  • 4. Medieval Irish Christianity
  • 5. The Culture of the Medieval Period
  • 6. The Rise of Islam
  • 7. The Franks and Charlemagne
  • 8. Medieval Chinese History
  • 9. Korea and Japan
  • 10. The Khans, Genghis and Kublai
  • 11. The Gupta & Mughal Dynasties of India
  • 12. The Vikings and Their Escapades
  • 13. Medieval Chivalry and Drafty Castles
  • 14. The Crusades
  • 15. Lionheart, Lackland, & the Magna Carta
  • 16. The Black Death’s Horrible Rampage
  • 17. Wars and Roses of 14th-Century England
  • 18. The Good & Bad of Ferdinand & Isabella
  • 19. The Mighty Ottoman Empire
  • 20. Vlad Tepes, Ivan the Terrible, & More
  • 21. The Dawn of the Renaissance
  • 22. The Art of the Renaissance
  • 23. The Reformation Arises
  • 24. The Counter-Reformation Reacts
  • 25. Henry VIII and His Six Wives
  • 26. Henry’s Daughters
  • 27. Africa During the Middle Ages
  • 28. The Americas During the Middle Ages
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Wonderful history text for upper elementary and middle school
Review by Yolonda
After World’s Story 1, we were so excited to move on to World’s Story 2. At first, I was a little intimidated by the longer chapters, once you get going, you do not even realize the difference in length between the two books. I love how when explaining history O’Dell brings in a Biblical worldview. She also explains history in a way that isn’t dry like many history texts, she is able to present the facts while keeping the kids engaged.
Loved this History
Review by Brandi
Very informative and I learned a lot myself alongside my child.
Good curriculum
Review by Linda
We really enjoy this curriculum and the way it is taught with stories but I do wish it had a video component.
Review by Lara
I did not like this curriculum. For someone who loves history, it just lacks details, which is really what is the most exciting part of history. It is borderline facts mainly, with a little more info. I wish it had more recommendations of books for each chapter. The dig deeper was not very interesting to my kids and it required too much digging on my part, and a preview of websites. Book recommendations would have been better.
I read this with 2 of my kids, one who loves history, and the other one who could care less (13 and 15), and none was excited about picking up the book.
I guess this is just not our style.
Great history curriculum!
Review by Mary
We love this curriculum and the author's podcast. It's history from a biblical perspective and it's not a boring textbook. I can use it alongside our CC memory work.
Review by Donna
Our favorite series
Great Spine for History
Review by Angela
This is a great resource and good to use as a whole curriculum or as a stand-alone resource.
Good information, but my son couldn't finish the book
Review by AJ
This book had so much great information, but the chapter layouts were a little hard to follow for my son. They kind of bounced on the timeline, and for a kiddo that has a hard time focusing, it made it nearly impossible for him. We bought the digital version to have it read it to him, and I even tried to put it all into weekly PowerPoints (which was hours of work for me every weekend), however, for the information he actually understanding compared to the time spent, we ended up not finishing. He really enjoyed medieval night though, it was such a fun idea and very hands on!
Great History Book.
Review by Lena
My son loves history. He loved the action aspects of the book especially when there were lessons about battles. His favorite lesson was the rise and fall of Rome. I love that he can open and go on his own because he is a very independent learner and prefers to do school without my help, *sigh. This is has been a great series so far and we are looking forward to book 3!
Can't get enough
Review by Kam
I've never really found World History as interesting as US History but I've come to learn that anything Angela O'dell writes is excellent...this is no different. Absolutely fantastic.
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