Uncensored Science: Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham DVD


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Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham debates popular TV personality and evolution apologist Bill Nye.

This historic event took place at the Creation Museum near Cincinnati February 4, 2014. Approximately 2.5 hours on four DVDs. All packaged in one DVD case.

SKU V30-9-476
Weight (in lbs) 0.50
Title Uncensored Science: Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham DVD
UPC Code 881994006731
Contributors Ken Ham
Binding DVD Video
Duration (in Minutes) 150
Publisher Answers in Genesis

Ham, a former science instructor who moved to the USA from Australia over 25-years ago, is joined by the popular children’s program personality Bill Nye “the science guy” for this first and only-scheduled debate. Each man delivers what he believes is the best information available, then has an opportunity for rebuttal, and then answers questions submitted by the audience.

Presented in a packed 900 seat auditorium, this event sold out in the first 2-minutes of online ticketing, and includes an audience of Christians and non-Christians, creationists and atheists. The topic: “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?”

This DVD documents the actual, uncut statements, arguments, and audience reactions to these two leading spokesmen. You will understand the faith and facts behind the worldviews of each proponent—and those whom they represent—better than ever before!

Really helpful
Review by Jennifer
There was more evidence that Ken Ham could’ve offered but overall this was a really great debate. It definitely helped my family find even more confidence about why we believe what we believe.
Review by Jennifer
I have wanted to see this debate for years. It was awesome! I am a new believer and there was so much I don’t completley know to defend a young earth theory. This was very eye opening and made me a huge Ken Ham fan. ❤️
if you like a good debate....
Review by Jennifer
If you like debates this might be for you. Unfortunately they both keep using the same points over and over instead of offering additional info. I like it though just because it's a clear way to see the two sides. I wish Ken Ham had offered some more scientific evidence to the debate instead of just pointing out the difference between observable and historical science (although a valid point).

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