When Life Isn't Fair (Scratch & Dent)

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It is perhaps the most-asked question in any time period: "Why does God allow suffering?"

Certainly, every human experiences pain and rejection. If the difficulty is long-term, one can almost be driven mad with grief or anger. We want to know why. Physical and emotional problems are so draining, we become obsessed with "fairness." How do we reconcile our concept of a powerful, loving God with the fact of child death? Or greed? Divorce?

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Manufacturer New Leaf Press
Weight (in lbs) 0.50
Title When Life Isn't Fair
Subtitle Making Sense Out of Suffering
ISBN 13 9780892215225
Contributors Joel Freeman
Binding Hardback
Page Count 144
Publisher New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC
Dimensions (in inches) 4 1/4 x 7 x 1/2

It is perhaps the most-asked question in any time period: "Why does God allow suffering?"

Certainly, every human experiences pain and rejection. If the difficulty is long-term, one can almost be driven mad with grief or anger. We want to know why. Physical and emotional problems are so draining, we become obsessed with "fairness." How do we reconcile our concept of a powerful, loving God with the fact of child death? Or greed? Divorce?

Often, we don't. That is exactly where Joel Freeman finds many of the people he counsels. Rather than giving pat answers, he relies on spiritual tools to deal with pain. It's a method that has worked remarkably well, and one that can indeed help you or a loved one through a personal valley. 


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