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Why is evangelism increasingly more difficult? Why is Christianity less and less appealing to unbelievers? What can the Church do differently to excel in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission?
Ken Ham, world-renowned Christian apologist and creation scientist, is convinced that compromise with evolutionary worldviews has virtually crippled preaching and teaching efforts, especially in Western societies. The Bible’s foundational teaching of Genesis has been undermined as the unscientific theory of evolution is exalted as the ultimate authority. This has weakened the Church’s defense of the Bible and Its message of Jesus Christ as Savior.
In this truly bold book, Ken Ham presents an ambitious plan to fulfill the Great Commission. Easy to read and filled with real-world application, this book offers insight into:
The outstanding success of pioneer evangelism
The evolution connection
Practical creation evangelism
Penetrating this culture with the gospel
Why Won’t They Listen: The Power of Creation Evangelism is a must read for every Christian evangelist.
A lot of time and money is spent by Christians who have a passion to spread the gospel. Across the globe, this effort is paying off as seekers find Christ, the source of truth and peace.
In many cultures, though, appeals made on behalf of the Christian faith are met with blank stares, indifference, even mocking hostility.
Ken Ham, one of Christendom's most astute observers of evangelism, is convinced that compromise with evolutionary world views has virtually crippled preaching and teaching efforts, especially in Western societies.
In this truly bold book, Ham presents an ambitious plan to fulfill the Great Commission. A compelling writer and speaker, Ham deftly exposes the great flaws of Darwinism, and shows how compromise with this philosophy of death is killing the Church. By the jungle of tangled views of reality, and helps committed Christians see the path to effective evangelism.
Customer Reviews
Great book!
Review byRebecca
Ken Ham once again has produced an amazing read. His style is such that he is having a wonderful conversation with you. I’ve spent a lot of time recently thinking about things that this book makes more clear. He points out the reasons why our nation (and society) have changed from one rooted in faith to one rooted in other things. He then shows you why it can feel like having a conversation with a brick wall when you speak of biblical truths to someone who clearly doesn’t seem to understand. He also explains that to start bringing our society back to one of faith, we need to start at the beginning with Creation. This is a great book and one that I will turn to more than once in the future to refresh my mind.
Excellent book
Review byBecky V.
This book, since it was first printed 20 years ago, is spot on with how our society currently views the truth of the Bible. Ken Ham hits it on the spot of how our foundation has changed from one that was built on the God of the Bible and a literal Creation to now a foundation of the belief in evolution & the consequences that result.
In reading this book, so many things that I know and see in our society just clicked with the reason why it is that way now. This book has broken my heart toward the lost, yet given me hope for our future. It has helped me have a greater understanding of, as the title states, why they won’t listen. It has given me practical ways to defend the Bible and share what it says in a way that will reach our society as it is today. It has challenged me to truly know what the Word says.
There is so much good in this book, it is a must-read and one to keep on your shelves for the generations after you to read.
Another well written book tackling the changing landscape of sharing the gospel
Review bySara
I am always a fan of Ken Ham’s writings. His topics are always interesting, and his writing style is easy to understand making his books great reads. This one was no exception. This book shows how our American society went from a once Christian nation to a quickly evolving territory of worldly ideas and pleasures in such a short time. The push of the media, the changing education system all claiming neutrality are actually doing the exact opposite. His research points to this fact, he backs up a biblical worldview and why we should defend it. He also makes it clear that reaching people for Christ is no longer preaching the cross and resurrection, but the whole bible- beginning with creation.
This will be a great book to keep on my shelf and solidify questions my children will have as high schoolers when discussing the world. I certainly recommend.
Encouraging Read!!
Review byKrista
I love Ken Ham’s books and resources, so it is no surprise that this book was also a great read! Ken Ham’s biblical viewpoints are full of insightful wisdom and truth. As a homeschooling family, I found this book to be a fantastic and encouraging read!
This book is an easy read, well laid out, with practical advice.
Great Read
Review byLexie
I love this book! First of all, it is really a very simple read. The points are laid out in a very easy to pick up and read format, and each section kept me wanting to read on. There is so much truth written here as well. As the culture we live in, evolution is just engrained in society so much that people have a hard time believing the Bible because evolution is everywhere. From the moment kids are little, they are watching shows about cavemen to throughout school, they are taught we evolved over millions of years. Ken Ham easily explains that if we want to reach people for Christ and trust that the Bible is truth, then we must first show them how Biblical creationism is accurate. If one cannot believe the Bible is true from the beginning in Genesis, then how can we expect them to believe every word is true in the Bible?
In addition, this book has lots of real life stories that make it so practical. My favorite was how he was stressing the importance of culture, even if you know the language in a foreign field. His example was when he asked a girl if she wanted to nurse the baby (apparently Australians and Americans have very different meanings for nurse the baby).
great read
Review byAshley
This book is a really great read if you are an educator either for a school or if you are just Homeschooling. Ken Ham make clear points in a positive point of view that are very insightful. Many writers tend to not even want to talk about the issues that are in this book. Having a book that talks about what an Education makes a difference. and how the education system that many are in in this world that focus on theories instead of truth. Also talking about postmodern culture that have unsympathetic to non-stop media that is being watched by most people around the world. Reading this book open my eyes and gave me a wakeup call, to consider how much screen time my kids watch and what they choose to watch. Again, this is a great book to read. Ken Ham never fails at write a book that opens your eyes.
Love Creation Evangelism!
Review byNichole
This book makes so much sense! The indoctrination many have gone through, especially in public schools blinds you to the truth of creation. This book addresses the sad compromises made by many Christians who don't believe or teach that God really created the universe in seven days like the Bible says. It has very useful points to use to evangelize to many people with different foundations.